Valhalla Viking Festival
Raise your cups to the Old Gods!
How to get there
Where to eat
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Skol! Head to the North Hampshire countryside for a weekend of Viking activities. Enjoy a festival of times gone by, with feasts, historic retellings, games, unique shopping experiences, hair braiding and Viking style make-up, and so much more.
Take to the Great Hall each evening in your fanciest furs for a feast like no other. Picture wooden tables laden with meat, vegetables, potatoes and as much mead as you can drink! Then take a perch near the campfire for a late evening of traditional live music and storytelling.
By day, wander the market stalls for unique artisan trinkets and charms, get your hair braided in the Viking fashion, or even a tattoo (real or fake, it’s up to you!). Try your hand at axe throwing, archery, and combat training sessions as well as firewalking and strongman challenges.
Great for Viking fans, the Valhalla Viking Festival is a welcoming place for everyone, from all walks of life. Build lifelong friendships and feel part of a community that welcomes all into the Viking way of life.